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Prepared by:Mr. Marlan Cole. MPH. Director Food and Drug Department

Activity/Event:Technical Visit By Health Officials From Guyana To Suriname

Dates:23-26, September 2019

Place: Suriname

This Meeting was hosted following bilateral discussion, and both Ministers agreed to a visit by a ministerial delegation from Guyana. The Government of Guyana granted approval for the visit by the delegation to Suriname.

Aim and Objective of the meeting
The main aim of this visit by Guyana to Suriname is to have a firsthand examination of the health systems, institutions and facilities offering health and supporting services to the population.

The mission was also tasked with exploring possibilities to develop corporations to enhance exchanges and collocation with the MOPH Guyana and GPHC with the MOH Suriname and its specialized hospital, agencies and partners.

1. Meeting with Ministry of Health and exchange information of the countries health care systems.
2. Discussion with the various departments of the Ministry and the specialized center of Suriname clinical services.
3. Visit to medicines management system and examine the model for medicine procurement and distribution.
4. Discuss the health services practices of both countries and identify challenges.
5. Develop a draft agreement for possible areas of collaboration.

Date of Visit
September 23-26, 2019

Participants list
1. Chief Medical Officer
2. Director,Government Analyst -Food and Drug Department
3. Director of Procurement, MOPH
4. Chief Executive Officer, GPHC
5. Director of Medical and Professional Services
6. Guyana Ambassador to Suriname
7. Minister Secretarial Staff

Day 1:

1. Meeting with the Minister of Health and Director of Health (CMO)
Group Picture

Welcome and Introduction was done by Hon. Minister of Health who informed the delegation of the arrangements for the visit to the various agencies identified by the Ministry of Public Health Guyana.

2. Visit to AZP

The team then visited the main Hospital in Suriname (AZP) where a lunch presentation was organized by the medical director and heads of department. A general overview of the national hospital was done and specific presentation on Neurosurgery, Radiotherapy, Ophthalmology and Orthopedics was done.
The delegation was then provided with the details of the operations of each unit.

Welcome Reception – The team was invited to a dinner with the Minister of
Health and Director of Health Services.


The Ministry of Public Health,Guyana can access some specialized services at AZP once an agreement to cover cost and logistics is developed. Possible areas include Neurosurgery, Radiotherapy and Ophthalmology.

Day 2

1. Visit to COVAN

The delegation accompanied by the Deputy Director and MOFA representative meet with the Assistant Director (AD) and the Management Team including the Manger of Financing, Nursing Training, Rehabilitation and post graduate training.


The CAVAB institute can provide specialized training for nurses in the areas of pediatric child and neonatology nursing, chronic disease care and operating room and ICU nursing.

Visit to BGVS- Main Focus of the GA-FDD’s visit.

The Delegation along with the Deputy Director of Health of Suriname visited the Medical Supplies Company of Suriname (BGVS) and met with the Director Mr. Ryan de Gama. The Director welcome the team and delivered a presentation on the operations of the company. The Presentation focused on the procurement methodology and supply of medicines to both the public and private health sectors. The Company also had a manufacturing and compounding facility that produces items such as suspensions, eye and ear drops and medicated ointments and rubs.

The Company is incorporated under the laws of Suriname and is under the supervision of a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister of Health and is administered by the Director who functions as the CEO along with two technical Assistant Directors and a Financial Manger.

Under the National Medicines Policy, the company provides about 73% of all the market shares of medication in the national system and provides all the items on the Essential Medicines List to the main hospital (AZP), Regional Health Services (RGS), Medical Missions (MZ), Mungra Medical Center (MMC) and the Private Sector all of whom purchase their medication from BGVS.

The company procures medicines from mainly the European Union (32.2%) India (44.2%) Malaysian (15.8%), Americas (4.6%) and all others (3.2%).
There are 10 other small scale companies also licensed to import pharmaceuticals into Suriname.

Significantly all the products must be either prequalified and / or registered by one of the internationally recognized stringent regulatory / reference authorities before procurement and or importation by BGVS and those authorities are (PIC/S countries
Argentina(ANMAT), Brazil(ANVISA), Canada(Health Canada), Chile (ISP)
Columbia(INVIMA), Cuba(CECMED), United States(USFDA) or Mexico (COFEPRIS)

A tour was taken of the compounding factory, warehouse and cold storage facility.


Guyana should urgently utilize the services of BGVS to procure and supply pharmaceutical and other drugs supplies that are currently not manufactured in Guyana from BGVS since the highest quality of medicines would be guaranteed because of the stringency of their procurement method. In addition, better or lower prices may be available to both Guyana and Suriname because of the scale and volume of purchase made on the international market.
2. Visit to Medical Missions (MZ)

The Visiting team and Ministry official then vested the Primary Health Care provider Medical Mission (MZ) which is contracted by the Ministry to deliver health services to the interior part of the country.

3. Visit to RGS (PHC)
The delegation was received by Mrs. Sebita Gopaul, Acting Director of Regional Health Services (RDG) Primary Health Care Provider and a video presentation on the structure and function of the department was done after an introduction of the Management team.

Day 3

1. Visit to MMC
The delegation departed Paramaribo at 4am on the following morning and travelling by road arrived at 7:30am the Mungra Medical Center (MMC). The team was received by the General Director, Mr. Sadeo, Medical Director Dr M. Magidai, the Financial Director, Ms Mohamed and the Nursing Director. The Delegation was joined by Ambassador Ester Griffith from the Guyana Consulate in Nickerie.


1. The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in an effort to guarantee quality , safe and efficacious medication in the public health care delivery system, can immediately utilize the services of BVGS to jointly purchase and procurement drugs supplies for Guyana.

2. Purchases by the MoPH via BVGS mechanism or pathway if established should be limited to those items that are not locally manufactured in Guyana.



Picture showing a few drugs along with packaging that were examined in BGVS cold storage facility .